Working as a bouncer for a bar
Fatwa #1237 | Category: Business & Trade | Country: Zambia | Date: 18th December 2024 |
Fatwa #1237 | Date: 18th December 2024 |
Category: Business & Trade | |
Country: Zambia |
Assalam alykum, is it allowed for a Muslim to work at the night club that is if it’s the only job available for him to sustain his it is mentioned by the ulama that someone can eat pork in time of hunger that’s is if it’s the only food available for him to survive, JazakAllahu khar.
I have already started this job and I need guidance.
Since it’s the only option available or the only job available to survive with this economy and my intention is to feed my family not to take it haram.
I work as a door bouncer and sometimes I serve alcohol to the customers.
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
As Muslims, we are supposed to very cautious regarding the source of our income. Halal income yields barakah even if the amount is small. Haram income is completely devoid of barakah even if it is more.
Bars are places of sin and vice. It does not behove a Muslim to be seen in or around one as it naturally arouses people’s suspicions, and we have been commanded to avoid places of suspicion.
In the specific situation you have described, if your employer directly pays you from earnings that are completely haram, then you cannot work there, and the wage is not permissible. But if he renumerates you from funds which are mixed from permissible and impermissible avenues, then whilst the wage is permissible, you will actively have to seek for alternative employment.[1] You may remain as a bouncer, which is akin to a security guard, until you find alternative employment. In no circumstance can you serve alcohol to anyone.
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Bilal Pandor
Concurred by
Mufti Muhammad Patel
Darul Iftaa Mahmudiyyah
Lusaka, Zambia
امداد الأحكام ج4 ص390