Bread from Choppies and other supermarkets
Fatwa #1297 | Category: Food & Drink | Country: Zambia | Date: 11th December 2024 |
Fatwa #1297 | Date: 11th December 2024 |
Category: Food & Drink | |
Country: Zambia |
Assallam ailykoom warahamatulahi wabarakatuh
is bread from choppies halaal?
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
Bread from such outlets will be considered to be ‘doubtful’ due to the following reasons:
- They may use L-cysteine which may be derived from human hair or pig. If it is sourced from bird feathers, halal animals or vegetables, it is permissible to consume. Refer to the link in the references for more detail on L-cysteine.[1]
- Pan greases, lard, bristling brushes may possibly be sourced from Haram ingredients such as pig fat and hair. This is a possibility, hence the doubt.
- Possible cross contamination with Haram meat.
As for other confectionaries, they have a possibility of containing impermissible ingredients such as gelatine, carmine and wine.
If one is able to speak to the head chef/baker and find out with certainty that none of the above impermissible ingredients are utilised, and the kitchen staff is careful about cross contamination with meats, then such bread may be consumed. One can also appeal to the local halal authorities to investigate the matter.
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mufti Bilal Pandor
Concurred by
Mufti Muhammad Patel
Darul Iftaa Mahmudiyyah
Lusaka, Zambia