
Tashahhud in Salah

Fatwa #1305 Category: Prayer (Salaat) Country: Belgium Date: 18th December 2024
Fatwa #1305 Date: 18th December 2024
Category: Prayer (Salaat)
Country: Belgium


Selam aleykum

I have just 2 questions, it was about the prayer

1) I wanted to know if the first and the last tashahoud is a pillar or not inshaAllah and what happens if the first or the last tashahoud are not done, is the prayer valid ?

Is it possible to have the answer for the 2 tashahoud but for the 4 school of thought

2) If 1 school of thought say 1 thing and other like scholars or ulema say 1 thing, what do we have to do ?

I know first we have to do what the prophet Mohamed saws did but there are differents opinions in 1 school of thought and scholars about the tashahoud

BarakAllah oufik for your answer

Thank you


In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.

Before we explain the rulings, take note of the definitions below.

  1. Fardh: a fundamental pillar of salah without which salah is invalid. If forgotten or left out by mistake, not even sajdah sahw can make up for it. The act must be done within salah for validity.
  2. Wajib: a pillar of salah but of a lesser degree than a fardh. If forgotten or left out by mistake, it can be compensated for by sajdah sahw.

The first tashahhud (when sitting at 2 rakaats) is Wajib.[1] The last tashahhud (in a salah of more than 2 rakaats) is fardh.[2] The first tashahhud of fajr is also its last, hence it is fardh.

If one forgetfully misses the first tashahhud, sajdah sahw is required and the salah will be valid. If one does not sit for the last tashahhud, then if he/she adds a fifth rak’ah to his salah and even makes the sajdah of the fifth rak’ah without sitting back down for tashahhud, then the fardh salah is invalid and must be repeated.[3] What he has performed will be considered to be nafl and it is better to join a 6th rakaat to it.

We only answer queries in accordance with the Hanafi school of thought as that is the school we subscribe to. Each of the 4 schools is correct in its endeavour to practice upon the prophetic teachings. The differences only arise due to differing principles when attempting to derive a holistic ruling from the entire opus of Quran and Hadith. It is much better and safer to adopt one school and stick to its rulings instead of attempting to decipher the ruling on ones own.

And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best

Mufti Bilal Pandor

Concurred by
Mufti Muhammad Patel

Darul Iftaa Mahmudiyyah
Lusaka, Zambia


 [1]نور الإيضاح ونجاة الأرواح في الفقه الحنفي (ص: 55)

1 -[واجب الصلاة]

وهو ثمانية عشر شيئا

8 -والعقود الأول

9 – وقراءة التشهد فيه في الصحيح

 [2]نور الإيضاح ونجاة الأرواح في الفقه الحنفي (ص: 52)

والأركان من المذكورات أربعة

1 – القيام. 2 – والقراءة. 3- والركوع. 4 – والسجود

وقيل: القعود الأخير مقدار التشهد

 [3]نور الإيضاح ونجاة الأرواح في الفقه الحنفي (ص: 96)

6 -[من سها عن القعود الأول]

ومن سها عن القعود الأول من الفرض عاد إليه ما لم يستو قائما في ظاهر الرواية وهو الأصح

2 – والمقتدي كالمتنفل يعود ولو استتم قائما

3 – فإن عاد وهو إلى القيام أقرب سجد للسهو وإن كان إلى العقود أقرب لا سجود عليه في الأصح

4 – وإن عاد بعد ما استتم قائما اختلف التصحيح في فساد صلات

7 -[من سها عن القعود الأخير]

1 – وإن سها عن القعود الأخير عاد ما لم يسجد وسجد لتأخيره فرض القعود

2 – فإن سجد صار فرضه نفلا وضم سادسة – إن شاء – ولو في العصر ورابعة في الفجر. ولا كراهة في الضم فيهما على الصحيح ولا يسجد للسهو في الأصح

3 – وإن قعد الأخير ثم قام عاد وسلم من غير إعادة التشهد. فإن سجد لم يبطل فرضه وضم إليها أخرى لتصير الزائدتان له نافلة وسجد للسهو